For women with small breasts who want to be bigger or for women who have lost breast volume after having kids or from weight loss, breast augmentation surgery is a fantastic way to restore volume, shape and also a sense of confidence and wellbeing.
The following are important questions to ask Dr Jane at your one-on-one consultation.
1. Where will the incision be located?
Breast implants can be inserted under the breast, around the nipple, or in the armpit. Each incision has advantages and disadvantages.
2. Will the implants be placed on top of or behind the muscle?
Placing the implants either above or below the muscle will have a major affect on the softness of your breasts. The placement will depend on your skin type and also your existing breast volume.
3. Should I have silicone or saline breast implants?
This is your choice. Some people say that silicone implants feel softer. Although there have been studies that demonstrate that with implants placed behind the muscle it is very difficult to tell the difference.
4. Should I choose smooth or textured implants?
Textured implants were introduced in the 1990’s to reduce the problem of capsular contracture. Textured implants adhere to the surrounding breast tissue whereas smooth implants move within the breast pocket creating a softer more natural look.
5. Will I stay as a day case or will I need to stay overnight?
For most patients (85%) the surgery is performed as a day case. Your surgery will be in the morning and you will go home in the afternoon.
6. What follow-up do I need?
At Dr Jane Paterson’s you will be seen by Dr Jane following your surgery before you leave the hospital. Dr Jane will phone you the following day and your first post-operative appointment will be on Day 6. You will then be seen at 6 weeks, 3months, 6months and then annually.
7. What qualifications should I look for in my Surgeon?
Always see a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon who is a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons.
Dr Jane is a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (FRACS) and is also a member of the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) and the member of the Australian Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (ASAPS).
Dr Jane is an experienced Plastic Surgeon who specifically specialises in breast augmentation surgery.
Phone our rooms on 9429 3343 to arrange your consultation.