In recent years I have experienced firsthand the increasing interest in cosmetic surgery for female genitalia. The most popular being labiaplasty, (reduction of the labia minora, “inner lips”).
The predominant cause of large or protruding labia is congenital; however it can be due to being stretched during childbirth or just skin laxity as we age.
Many of the women who come to see me find that they are experiencing discomfort in tight fitting pants, during exercise or during sexual intercourse, which can cause embarrassment.
Additionally cosmetic procedures of the labia minora are requested by some of my female patients who have concerns about irregular shapes or dark pigment and these irregularities are affecting their self-esteem when naked.
Labioplasty is a straight forward and increasingly common procedure, which can usually be done as day surgery. During the procedure a small part of excess labia tissue is removed forming shapelier and aesthetically pleasing labia. A major benefit of this procedure is that the procedure has minimal pain and discomfort, therefore there is little to no downtime and you can start to regain your femininity and continue your daily duties within a short time of undergoing the procedure.
No longer do you have to feel embarrassed or upset at the way your labia protrudes and impacts upon your life. I perform over 100 labioplasty procedures a year on women of all ages and backgrounds. Labioplasty can help you to regain the femininity and the confidence needed to boost your lifestyle in positive ways.
Contact Dr. Jane Paterson for more information